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Luigi Lineri

A comment by Teresa Maranzano

Near Verona lies a treasure that, thanks to dr.Alessandro Zinelli, has become an elite place for the lovers of marginal art to the world.
It’s the room near Luigi Lineri’s house, in via Lucchi 9, Zevio (Verona). In two rooms on the lower floor and in the great granari up them Lineri has put in a charming way thousands of stones which he has picked up on the banks of Adige river for thirty years.
They are not ordinary stones. They’re stones chosen with great care among meny others, picked out by virtue of their expressive valence. Lineri has picked them up, identified their shapes, and then divided them in various groups of shapes. He takes the astonished visitor to the discovery of this lithic universe.
You pass from the first series of stones, the head of sheep-shaped to aquatic bird, dog, pig, equid heads. Then come fish, male symbol, Great Mother, human face, percussion instruments.
Stones are placed side by side or exposed on black panels hung on the walls. Following Lineri’s speech and scanning his thousand and thousand stones, you arrive to a world of abstract beauty, of religious essentiality. These stones, which Lineri considers to have been carved by preimitive men, remind you of cycladic sculpture and some works of art by Brancusi, Picasso, Henry Moore. Every stone is beautiful but above all it’s amazing the disposition of every stone in so majestic a set, thanks to a man endowed with exceptional intuition and perseverance.
After visiting a church or a cathedral, stop and admire Luigi Lineri’s stone sanctuary.

Luigi Lineri - a beautiful journey among the stones of the river Adige between history and myth - www.luigilineri.it - 2006